Curriculum Vitae
Ivor Goodson has been fortunate to work with a number of varied and inspiring institutions throughout his professional life.
Please see below for a shortened CV, which focuses upon professional experience, honours and awards.
Professional Experience
Dates | Title |
1966-1969 | Lecturer, B.A. General, University of Kingston |
1970-1973 | Countesthorpe College, Leicestershire |
1973-1975 | Head of Humanities Faculty, Stantonbury Campus, Milton Keynes |
1975-1978 | Research Fellow, University of Sussex |
1978-1985 | Director, The Schools Unit, University of Sussex |
1986-1991 | Full Professor, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Centre for Theory and Criticism and Director of Educational Research Unit (from 1989) University of Western Ontario |
1991-1996 | Acord Research Professor, University of Western Ontario |
1993-1998 | Honorary Professor of Sociology, University of Western Ontario |
1996-2002 | Frederica Warner Scholar, Scholar in Residence and Professor of Education, Margaret Warner Graduate School, University of Rochester |
1996-2004 | Chair of Education, Centre for Applied Research in Education, School of Education and Professional Development, University of East Anglia |
2004-2020 | Professor of Learning Theory, Education Research Centre, University of Brighton |
2004-2012 | Research Associate, Von Hugel Institute, St Edmunds College, University of Cambridge |
2015-2019 | International Research Professor, University of Tallinn, Estonia |
Honours and Awards
Dates | Title |
2017 | Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award. |
2018 | Awarded John Nisbet Fellowship Award for outstanding contribution to educational research over his career |
2019 | Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS). Academy of Social Sciences / Campaign for Social Science. |
2016 | Nominated for Inclusion in the forthcoming 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 10th Edition Publication: mid 2017 |
2016 | Nominated for inclusion in The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Educational Thinkers, edited by Joy A. Palmer Cooper (London and New York: Routledge) |
2015 | Chairman of the Consultative Committee for the Faculty of Social Science, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. |
2002-2015 | Member of the Consultative Committee of the Education Research Centre, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. |
2016 | Routledge. Downs, Y. ' Ivor Goodson (1943-)'. Routledge Encyclopaedia of Educational Thinkers. pp. 602-605. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. |
1962-1965 | Country Major Awards |
1968-1970 | University of London Scholarship |
1984 | Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute of Education Research, University of Oslo (funded by the British Council) |
1985 | Visiting Professor (Summer Session), University of British Columbia |
1986 | Visiting Professor, Murdoch University, Western Australia |
1986 | Visiting Professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand |
1988 | Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Oslo |
1988 | Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick |
1988-1991 | Honorary Visiting Professor, King’s College, London (by election of the University of London Senate) |
1988-1994 | Member, International Professors of Curriculum (by invitation) |
1998-1999 | Onwell Visiting Professor, University of Hong Kong |
1989 | Visiting Professor (Summer session), University of Alberta |
1989 | Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Uppsala, Sweden |
1990 | 'Noted Scholar', University of British Columbia |
1991 | International Visiting Scholar, Stanford University |
1991-1993 | Stipendiary Award, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Canada |
1991-1996 | Frederica Warner Scholar, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, State of New York |
1993-1998 | Honorary Professor of Sociology, University of Western Ontario |
1993 | Distinguished Visiting Professorial Award, Japanese Society for Promotion of Science. Host: University of Tokyo |
1994 | Visiting Professor, Institute of Educational Research, University of Oslo |
1994 | Visiting Professor, University of Granada, Spain |
1994 | Visiting International Guest Scientist, Max Planck Institute, Berlin |
1994 | Visiting Fellow (Fall Term), Centre for Applied Research in Education, University of East Anglia |
1994 | Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute of Education, University of Stockholm, Sweden |
1996 | J. Woodrow Wilson Visiting Professorship for visits to Southern Africa by the Oppeinheimer Foundation. Host: University of Witswatersrand |
1996 | Lovejoy Scholar in Residence, University of Rochester, New York State |
1996-1999 | Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute of Pedagogy and Practice, University of Bergen, Norway |
1997-1999 | Susan B. Anthony Scholar in Residence, University of Rochester, New York State |
1999 | Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Cordoba, Argentina |
2000 | International Lecturer, Finnish National Graduate Summer School, Finland |
2001-2002 | Visiting Professor, Centre for Educational Innovation, University of Sussex, Brighton |
2001-2004 | Visiting Professor, School of Education, University of Exeter, Exeter |
2002 | Visiting Professor, Institute of Political Science, Paris, France |
2006 | Michael Huberman Award, AERA, San Francisco, USA |
2007 | Laureate Kappa Delta Pi, American Learned Society |
2007-2012 | Joss Owen Professor, University of Plymouth, Chair of Education |
2008-2010 | STINT Foundation Professor, Department of Education, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden |
2008-date | Senior Visiting Professor, The Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace (Brighton and Paris) |
2009-date | Life Fellow, Royal Society of Arts |
2009-date | Who's Who |
2009-date | Who's Who in America |
2009-date | Who's Who in the World |

Ivor was recently given the Michael Huberman award at the American Educational Research Association for his work on teachers' lives; he has just been given an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Gothenburg and made a Laureate of the Phi Delta Kappan Society in the USA...