Learning, Curriculum and Life Politics: the selected works of Ivor F. Goodson
Towards a Social Constructionist Perspective
Barton, L., and Lawn, M., 1980/81, Back Inside the Whale: A Curriculum Case Study. In Interchange, Vol. 11, No. 4, p. 4.
Berger, P.L., and Luckman, T., 1967, The Social Construction of Reality (Harmondsworth: Allen Lane).
Bertaux, D., (ed.), 1981, Biography and Society: The Life History Approach in the Social Sciences (London: Sage).
Clifford, G.J., and Guthrie, J.W., Ed School: A Brief for Professional Education (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press) pp. 3-4.
Esland, G.M., 1971, Teaching and Learning as the Organisation of Knowledge in M.F.D. Young (ed.) Knowledge and Control New Directions for the Sociology of Education (London: Collier Macmillan) p. 111.
Goodson, I.F., 1981, Life histories and the study of schooling. In Interchange, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 62-76.
Goodson, I.F., 1987, School Subjects and Curriculum Change (London, New York, Philadelphia: Falmer Press) pp. 3-4.
Goodson, I.F., 1988, The Making of Curriculum: Collected Essays (London, New York, Philadelphia: Falmer).
Goodson, I.F. (ed.), Studies in Curriculum History (London, New York, Philadelphia: Falmer Press). Series comprises:
- Goodson, I.F. (ed.), 1985, Social Histories of the Secondary Curriculum: Subjects for Study.
- McCulloch, G., Jenkins, E., and Layton, D., 1985, Technological Revolution? The Politics of School Science and Technology in England and Wales Since 1945.
- Cooper, B., 1985, Renegotiating Secondary School Mathematics: A Study of Curriculum Change and Stability.
- Franklin, B., 1986, Building the American Community: Social Control and Curriculum.
- Moon, B., 1986, The 'New Maths' Curriculum Controversy: An International Story.
- Goodson, I.F., 1987, School Subjects and Curriculum Change.
- Popkewitz, T.S. (ed.), 1987, The Formation of School Subjects: The Struggle for Creating an American Institution.
- Woolnough, B.E., 1988, Physics Teaching in Schools 1960-85: Of People, Policy and Power.
- Goodson, I.F., 1988, The Making of Curriculum: Collected Essays.
- Cunningham, P., 1988, Curriculum Change in the Primary School Since 1945: Dissemination of the Progressive Ideal.
- Musgrave, P.W., 1988, Whose Knowledge? A Case Study of the Victorian Universities Schools Examinations Board, 1964-1979.
- Finkelstein, B., 1989, Governing the Young: Teacher Behavior in Popular Primary Schools in Nineteenth Century United States.
- McCulloch, G., 1990, The Secondary Technical School: A Usable Past?
Goodson, I.F., 1994, Studying Curriculum – Cases and Methods (Philadelphia & London: Open University Press).
Goodson, I.F., and Walker, R., 1990, Biography, Identity and Schooling (London: Falmer Press).
HobsbawM, E., and Ranger, T., (eds.), 1985, The Invention of Tradition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p. 1.
Hoyle, E., 1969, How Does the Curriculum Change? A Proposal for Inquiries. In Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2.
Kliebard, H.M., 1975, Persistent Curriculum Issues in Historical Perspective. In Pinar, W. (ed.), Curriculum Theorising (Berkeley: McCutchan).
MacDonald, B., 1976, Who's Afraid of Evaluation. In Education 3-13, Vol. 4, No. 2. p. 89.
Mannheim, K., 1972, Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul) p. 24.
Parlett, M., and Hamilton, D., 1972, Evaluation as Illumination, Occasional Paper 9 (Edinburgh, Centre for Research in Educational Sciences).
Plummer, K., 1983, Documents of Life: An Introduction to the Problems and Literature of a Humanistic Method (London: George Allen and Unwin).
Reid, W.A., 1978, Thinking about the Curriculum (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul) p. 17.
Schwab, J.L., 1978, The Practical: a Language for Curriculum. In Westbury, I., and Wilkof, N., (eds.), Science, Curriculum and Liberal Education (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) p. 287.
Sikes, P.J., Measor, L., and Woods, P., 1985, Teacher Careers: Crises and Continuities, (Lewes: Falmer).
Stenhouse, L., 1977, Case Study as a Basis for Research in a Theoretical Contemporary History of Education (Centre for Applied Research in Education, University of East Anglia) p. 7.
Stenhouse, L., 1975, An Introduction to Curriculum Research and Development (London: Heinemann) pp. 24-25.
Veblen, T., 1962, The Higher Learning in America, reprint of 1918 edition (New York City: Hill and Wang) p. 15.
Walker, R., 1974, Classroom research: a view of SAFARI. Innovation, evaluation, research and the problem of control (CARE) p. 22.
Westbury, I., 1973, Conventional Classrooms, 'Open' Classrooms and the Technology of Teaching. In Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2 (November) p. 99.
Williamson, B., 1974, Continuities and Discontinuities in the Sociology of Education. In Flude, M., and Ahier, J., (eds.) Educability, Schools and Ideology (London: Croom Helm) p. 10.
Wright Mills, C., 1979, Power, Politics & People (London, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press) p. 613.
Wright Mills, C., 1970, The Sociological Imagination (London: Penguin) p. 3.