Studying School Subjects: a guide
Conclusions, Complexities and Conjectures
[i] M.F.D. Young (ed.), 'Knowledge and Control' (Collier Macmillan, 1971).
[ii] W.A. Reid, 'Sixth Form', p. 106.
[iii] 'P.L. Quant, See Chapter 6, p. 163.
[iv] See Banks, 'Parity and Prestige'.
[v] See Chapter 1, footnotes 12 and 13.
[vi] Dodd, 'Design and Technology'.
[vii] Quoted in Banks, 'Parity and Prestige', p. 41.
[viii] J. Hemmings 'The Betrayal of Youth' (London, Marion Boyars, 1980).
[ix] B. W. Witkin, Social Class Influence on the Amount and Type of Positive Evaluation of School Lessons, 'Sociology', Vol. 5, No. 2, 1971.
[x] 'The Times', 14 February 1978.